Company Name : Infosys
Designation : Software Developers
Experience : 0 to 3 Yrs
Qualification : Any Graduate
Location : Multiple Locations In India
Salary : Rs 45,000-63,500/-PM
Job Details :
I’ve talked about the need to learn how to solve problems before and I’ve even given some steps of how to learn to solve problems, because I believe this skill is critical to any software developer.
Software development is 100% about solving problems.
Without problems there wouldn’t be a need for software.
All software is designed to solve some user problem and within that general solution is a wide array of smaller problems that make it up.
There is probably no more important skill in life than learning to learn.
This skill is especially important in software development, because no field I know of changes more rapidly than software development.
You can’t know everything about everything. You can’t even really invest the time it takes to be a master of one particular framework or technology—things are moving way too fast!
When people ask me what I do all day, I mostly say “read things other people name and name things.”
Ok, no one really asks me that and I wouldn’t really answer it that way, but I certainly could.
Software development is all about describing the metaphysical. Most of what we are building can’t be seen.
I list this as last, but in many cases you could say it is the first or most important skill.
Everywhere you go there are people.
Unless you work alone and develop software just for yourself, other people are going to influence your career as a software developer.
I’ve talked about why you might not want to criticize someone else before, but there is much more to dealing with people than not pissing them off.
Apply Mode : Online
Last Date : Sep 2015
Apply For this Job : Click Here
For Latest Walk-ins : Click Here
Designation : Software Developers
Experience : 0 to 3 Yrs
Qualification : Any Graduate
Location : Multiple Locations In India
Salary : Rs 45,000-63,500/-PM
Job Details :
I’ve talked about the need to learn how to solve problems before and I’ve even given some steps of how to learn to solve problems, because I believe this skill is critical to any software developer.
Software development is 100% about solving problems.
Without problems there wouldn’t be a need for software.
All software is designed to solve some user problem and within that general solution is a wide array of smaller problems that make it up.
There is probably no more important skill in life than learning to learn.
This skill is especially important in software development, because no field I know of changes more rapidly than software development.
You can’t know everything about everything. You can’t even really invest the time it takes to be a master of one particular framework or technology—things are moving way too fast!
When people ask me what I do all day, I mostly say “read things other people name and name things.”
Ok, no one really asks me that and I wouldn’t really answer it that way, but I certainly could.
Software development is all about describing the metaphysical. Most of what we are building can’t be seen.
I list this as last, but in many cases you could say it is the first or most important skill.
Everywhere you go there are people.
Unless you work alone and develop software just for yourself, other people are going to influence your career as a software developer.
I’ve talked about why you might not want to criticize someone else before, but there is much more to dealing with people than not pissing them off.
Apply Mode : Online
Last Date : Sep 2015
Apply For this Job : Click Here
For Latest Walk-ins : Click Here